Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Jewish Roots Classes

In the last several years we've read countless books, taken a lot of classes, and listened to many well-educated people in order to better understand our role in the Kingdom. As we searched the L-rd revealed Himself as the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the G-d of Israel. In many ways this has revolutionized the way we live and read the Bible. Many questions have been answered and historical inconsistencies are now clearer. As we continue on this journey of learning about the Jewishness of Jesus we are thankful for those who are helping us along the way.

Kingdom Living, in Kansas City, is now hosting three different classes through the School of Messianic Jewish Theology. You now have the opportunity to study the Jewish roots of the Bible and Christianity so you can better understand how things are playing out in the Middle East. These classes will also help you see how you can participate in bringing His Kingdom to the earth. It doesn't matter what your school or Church background is, everyone is welcome to come. Please click here for more information and a synopsis of each of the classes offered. We highly encourage these classes and know they will bring depth to your study of the Bible. Studying the Jewish roots of our faith may even change your changed ours.

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