Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Visa Miracles

UHL's administrative offices in Gilo
We visited with Tom's school director today and it was a helpful few hours. There are three very kind women who run the school office and we got some great news. Seeing as our visas are in Hebrew we didn't quite know what we got, though we knew the expiration date was about a year out. Come to find out not only are they for a year but we have multiple re-entry, which means, L-rd willing, we can come home, (or somewhere else) anytime we want and it won't be a hassle. The ladies were excited about this, since it seems visas are a very tricky thing over here. They said last week the state employees went on strike and anyone who had an appointment for a visa during that time lost their appointment and had to wait for a new one. So... Thank You! We know it's because the L-rd heard all of our prayers for this to come together. It may seem little, but having a year-long, multiple re-entry visa is a huge blessing and one we will not take for granted. In the few days we've been here we've heard some extreme stories regarding visas -- good and bad. We're thankful to be one of the good stories and sincerely appreciate all of your prayers.

Warm enough in the sun for ice cream

We then headed up north to meet with George, a gentleman who helps students at UHL get situated. While we didn't look at any apartments he did show us (me) around French Hill and I feel such a peace about the area. It might have been the warm sunshine or the ice cream, but the area is beautiful and pretty quiet compared with the rest of the city. We're praying for a nice 3-bedroom with a patio or garden (and good view) since there will be so many nice days. Apartments typically have limited heat so being able to sit in the sun makes a big difference on our cold bones. We believe He already has a place picked out for us, we pray we have the ears to hear His decision. Please pray with us!

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