Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Season of Redemption

Two years ago, five days before Wyatt rode off with Yeshua, Tom gave a phenomenal teaching on the importance of Shavuot for every follower of Yeshua. At the time we believed this was the L-rd releasing him to teach more, but then Wyatt left and we remained in a season of resting in the L-rd and trusting His timing.

The L-rd re-opened that door of teaching for Tom in the last 8 months, in a bigger way than we could have imagined. We don't have the original teaching he gave in May of 2010, but here is a brief version of the importance of Shavuot, in relation to this season of redemption. May it bless your spirit as we approach the day of Shavuot, beginning Saturday night.

1 comment:

  1. Great Teaching! We loved it, and so did the BHS Youth Group. Keep it up!
